Measurement Technology NW (MTNW) announces 3 new jack-up mooring winch monitoring projects with Transocean Magellan & Constellation I and the Rowan California.
“In many parts of the world, the tidal forces, lack of access to qualified tugboats, and close proximity to subsea pipelines require rig owners to install mooring winches on jack-ups,” said Tom Rezanka, Vice President, MTNW. “A mooring winch monitoring system can provide jack-up managers with decimal point accuracy and therefore lower risk when they are ready to drop their legs into position.”
“The positioning control of a jack-up is always superior when using a 4-point mooring spread compared with other options for positioning,” said Steve Nowak, Integrity Offshore. “Moving jack-ups is a core business of Integrity Offshore and based on our experience, the use of anchors always provides the safest option for positioning.” Nowak continues, “When a location presents challenging conditions with respect to tolerances, whether it be proximity to the platform , sub-sea assets, or the need to manage rack phase difference (RPD) due to spud can interactive effects, a proper risk assessment will always support the use of anchors as a valid mitigating measure for providing improved control and safer operations.”
Rezanka continues, “MTNW has now provided over 10 mooring control or monitoring systems to jack-ups over the last 2 years. The oil majors, their risk managers and rig owners are starting to see the importance providing their rigs with anchors and monitoring systems during the positioning process.”
MTNW can provide drop-in retrofit systems for existing winch systems and can participate in new build activities.
“We provide a full end-to-end mooring solution for customers,” said Rezanka. “Since we design and build every aspect of these winch control and monitoring solutions from the steel to the software, we can guarantee better accuracy and faster delivery.”
Read the original press release here.