Rugged Controls provided a harmonized monitoring system for the R/V Sharp, described as the most advanced coastal research vessel in the United States.
Solutions: Oceanographic
Rugged Controls has supported oceanographic research with winch monitoring and data-logging since 1986. The University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS), NOAA, US and Canadian Coast Guards and various other international organizations are standardized on Rugged Controls winch monitoring technology.
From complex rugged multi axis force and rotational sensors to simple instrumented shackles, Rugged Controls provides end to end oceanographic solutions. Installations can range from small coast/estuary survey vessels to global research vessels. Winch Monitoring solutions can range from a simple local display installation to a full research ship installation with multiple local and remote winch stations including data logging and deck machinery.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego has one of the largest academic research fleets in the world, with four research vessels.
Multi winch interface and data logging solutions for the R/V Weatherbird II and R/V Bellows.
Rugged Controls has been involved in supporting the polar research vessels in their winch operations for many years.
Rugged Controls Wins Major Award from NSF/UNOLS
Rugged Controls was contracted by the UW to replace antiquated custom winch monitoring electronics with cutting edge monitoring technology.
Probably the largest remote display of winch parameter data in the world was fabricated for the R/V "Roger Revelle" by Rugged Controls.