Solutions: Decoking

Rugged Controls provides decoking winch retrofit monitoring solutions. Our running line tensiometers can be fitted to existing decoking winches without reterminating the line, and provide accurate line tension, speed, and payout for the decoking head.

As refineries move the control shack from the top of the coke drums to a safe distance away from decoking operations, the operator now needs additional information regarding the cutting head height and weight on the line.

Rugged Controls systems are rapidly deployable and calibrated for accuracy.

When the Shell Anacortes decoking operations team decided to move their control shack from the top of the decoking drums to the ground, a safe distance away from the stack...

Decoking Winch Monitoring BP Cherry Point, tensiometer, display

The decoking operations team at BP Cherry Point (Washington State) worked with Bayside Engineering of Lynden, WA to retrofit an existing delayed decoking cutting-head and winch system.

About Us

Rugged Controls is an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer of rugged programmable controllers, sensors, instrumentation, controls and automation equipment used in industries ranging from oil & gas, industrial, oceanographic to mining to construction. Our brand of multivariable controllers is continually selected in mission-critical applications where rugged durability, viewability, accuracy and data acquisition is required.

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