MTNW and ROMOR will provide industry leading rugged displays, retrofit deck machinery, controls and instrumentation products for the fishing, oceanographic and oil & gas markets in Canada
Seattle, Washington, August 4, 2015 – Measurement Technology NW (MTNW) and ROMOR Ocean Solutions announce they have reached an agency agreement for Eastern Canada. This agreement allows ROMOR to sell and distribute MTNW’s industry-leading line of rugged display products, running line tensiometers, controls and instrumentation for offshore oil & gas, marine, oceanographic, fishing, mining and industrial applications.
The objective of this partnership is to support the increasing amount of offshore oil & gas, oceanographic, and marine opportunities located in Eastern Canada, particularly on the coasts of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador.
"We feel this partnership will bring value to ROMOR, MTNW and more importantly to current and future MTNW clients in the Eastern Canada Region," stated Kyle McKinney, Sales and Marketing Director for MTNW. "This region offers an existing base of supply and service companies, both in the marine sector and the upstream oil & gas sectors, which will benefit from ROMOR’s local representation. Their capabilities and marketplace leadership enhance our ability to support projects in the region."
ROMOR Ocean Solutions President Darrin Verge added, "By partnering with MTNW, ROMOR can offer our offshore oil & gas and marine customers a variety of standard and custom solutions for their anchor winch monitoring and control needs."
About MTNW:
Founded in 1984, Measurement Technology NW’s (MTNW) Line Control Instruments division designs and manufactures rugged programmable controllers, sensors, instrumentation, controls and automation equipment used in industries ranging from oil & gas, industrial, oceanographic and mining to construction. Our brand of multivariable controllers is continually selected in mission-critical applications where rugged durability, viewability, accuracy and data acquisition is required.
To learn more visit http://lci.mtnw-usa.com
About ROMOR:
ROMOR is a Canadian owned company that has supplied and supported the ocean technology community in Canada and abroad for over 30 years. We partner with world-renowned ocean technology manufacturers to bring our customers the market’s superior leading-edge technology. Our operation now includes a 3700 square foot facility complete with a warehouse and a workshop for performing electrical and mechanical tasks. We are committed to the success of our customer’s operations and will provide our customers with exceptional service, technology consulting, logistics and continued support.
To learn more visit, http://www.romor.ca