By replacing conventional bourdon tube analog gauges, the LCI-90i Electronic Weight Indicator redefines the weight indicator category bringing next generation safety, accuracy, data acquisition and operational improvements to the well servicing weight indicator.
With engineering, beta testing and now rugged field testing complete, HSC installed its first production units during January and expects to maintain available inventories throughout 2016 product rollout.
The new indicator offers features that have never been offered in this product class and price category.
The IOT-LCI-90i-EWI provides hook load, total load, weight on drill bit, load balance, and data acquisition for well servicing rigs.
This best in class technology is Howard Supply’s most recent addition to its IOT specialty well maintenance support products.
This newest IOT product is the result of several years of joint product development since HSC first approached Rugged Controls for engineering support.
Howard Supply Company will distribute the product domestically from its 16 company distribution centers or through the web at www.howard-supply.com.
New Innovative Oil Tools LCI-90i Electronic Weight Indicator replaces dated dial indicator technology with rugged, high visibility, digital rig instrumentation.
- Connects to existing hydraulic compression load cells
- Provides 4x or better accuracy vs. standard analog dial indicators
- Displays Total Load, Hook Load, Load on Drill Bit and Rig Balance
- Logs all measurements to .csv file for traceability and reports
- Bright Electroluminescent (EL) display is viewable in all conditions